Each negative thought given below is followed by a positive alternative to help you solve their work–related problems.
This idea is not practicalBecause of this dangerous thought thousands of potentially good ideas get killed before their birth in almost all the organizations all over the world, every single day. Everything appears to be impractical unless you put it into practice. It is possible that you may fail in getting the results but then at least you will know why it does not work or what modification can make it work.
This approach will not helpIt really won't because your thoughts about an action often predetermine the outcome. No player who goes into the field with his head filled with thoughts of the impending defeat has ever won the game.
There are lots of problemsThere are lots of solutions - probably more than there are problems. Whether you get roses or thorns, depends on what you focus your thoughts on. We cannot make our problems any smaller than what they are but we can always make ourselves bigger than our problems with the help of our thoughts.
Nothing comes easyThink of all the gadgets, instruments you work with today. Were these things easy to think of 100 years ago? You would not have been seeing these, if thoughts like this were allowed to cross the minds of those who made them possible for you today.
We have never done it beforeProbably that is all the more reason to give it a try now. If you are always insisting on doing things the way they have always been done how will things change or improve?
We do not have facilitiesFacilities don't make you. You make them. “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are,” said Theodore Roosevelt. Try to focus on the facilities you have today and be happy working with them till better ones become available.
We do not get cooperationThink of the smallest bit of cooperation that you are getting. Focus your thoughts on it. Talk about it. Appreciate it sincerely. You will go on increasing your bank-balance of cooperation with these humble investments in acknowledging small gestures of cooperation.
Our seniors do not understand thisWhen you give ‘understanding' to others you too get ‘understanding' in return. Show a small achievement of yours and slowly win others' trust for bigger endeavors. People believe your potential only when they see what you have done with it.
Our subordinates do not workFind out why it is so. Do they see any double standards in you. No one likes to work for an unjust authoritarian; ensure that you are not found out as one by them. Give them love, understanding, appreciation and above all the work they like. Understand their goals and aspirations. Work for making their dreams come true.